Dust Collection
AirJet®Fabric Filters are designed to use pulsed compressed air for the cleaning of the filter bags which is the most effective method available. Multiple configurations are available which include bottom removal, side removal and top removal with either walk-in style or lift off doors. Our bags are constructed in a wide variety of weights and materials to accommodate the differing sizes of particulate and ranges of air temperature flowing through the collector. Ancillary equipment such as ash removal systems, I.D. fans, and motor control systems are available to provide a turnkey installation. Our collectors have been supplied to all types of industries throughout the world and have application wherever process air is exhausted.
Standard Features: The dust collector is welded and factory assembled in the largest pieces practical to ship and minimize field erection. Units are designed for dust tight operation. A gas tight design is available as an option.
Standard Features: The dust collector is welded and factory assembled in the largest pieces practical to ship and minimize field erection. Units are designed for dust tight operation. A gas tight design is available as an option.